Using GraphQL

  • The BusinessManager, each DistributionGate and the BookingGate only have one endpoint.
  • Send requests via POST.
  • In the request body, specify which data is to be returned.
  • GraphQL has a syntax completion included.
  • If there is no server or connection error, the API returns status code 200..

To use the API from your application or tools like Postman or Insomnia, add "/graphql" to the base URLs below.

You can try the API directly in the browser using the GraphiQL interface (note the "i"). Add "/api" to the base URL to go to GraphiQL. You need to obtain an authorization token first. 

Find more information about GraphiQL in the other chapters.


Stage und Production

We need your static IP adress so that you can access our stage environment.

The URLs are created like this:

DistributionGate: {name}

BookingGate: {name}



DistributionGate: {name}
