If you want to start getting to know us, we recommend you to start here — the approach on the left side of the chart.

In this article, we introduce you into the implemenation — shown on the right side of the graph.

Tets access and implementation

If you have not talked to use so far, please contact us so we can get to know each other. We can then give you access to a test environment.

We assume that you want to use our API so the users of your software can search for products and buy them without leaving your software.

These are the preconditions:

  • The distributor is member in the ProMaterial network — they have a DistributionGate.
  • The distributor confirmed that they want to sell via your software — your software becomes a DistributionChannel.
  • Der Händler hat bestätigt, dass er über Ihre Software verkaufen möchte. Das erfolgt für ihn bequem über eine Benutzeroberfläche.
  • For B2B: Your user has an account with the distributor.

You use our connectedDistributionGates query to get a list of DistributionGates connected to your software.  

Once you have made yourself comfortable with our API, this is the first step to the implementation: